

2019-09-05 海軍技術學校秋節擴大離營宣教


  As Mid-autumn Festival approaches ,Vice Admiral Hu commander of Naval Education,Training and Doctrine Development Command, presidesover an expanded vocational reminder event at NTS on September 5,by this occasion ,Commander Hu handed the bonus subsidy and gave his best regards concerning the festival.

指揮官胡中將頒發單位慰問金,提前祝賀佳節。 Commander Hu handed the bonus subsidy and gave his best regards concerning the festival.


Commander Hu handed the bonus subsidy and gave his best regards concerning the festival.

指揮官胡中將主持宣教。 Vice AdmiralHu commanderof Naval Education,Training and Doctrine Development Command, presidesover an expanded vocational reminder event.


Vice Admiral Hu commander of Naval Education,Training and Doctrine Development Command, presidesover an expanded vocational reminder event.

