



Naval amphibious vehicle maintenance factory handles factory celebration and family reunion.

The Naval Amphibious Vehicle Maintenance Factory recently held a 75th anniversary factory celebration and
family reunion. The factory director, Colonel Yu, was the abbot. The event was arranged to commend the chief petty officers who have served for 20 years and the personnel who have made contributions in the renovation of the Flying 2 project factory building. Thank you to colleagues for their hard work. Through work area visits and symposiums, family members can understand the living and working conditions of officers and soldiers in the camp, and establish a good communication channel between the troops and their families to achieve the effect of joint management and joint education.

Factory Diector Yu said in his speech at the event that the factory has been established for 75 years. He thanked his colleagues for their hard work and hoped that they would continue to improve and complete the repair of AAV7 vehicles by adhering to the slogan of “doing it right the first time and eliminating rework”. Mission to create brilliance together.





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