



⚓️Navy Encyclopedia-EP27⚓️ 👉👉🎊 Marine Corps Spiritual Slogan🎊

‼ ️ often hear Marine Corps officers and men, sonorous shouting "Semper Fi!" In the end what does it mean? 🧐🧐

👉 In addition to the familiar "Semper Fi!" You must have heard the Marines "are not afraid of any hardships and difficulties, not afraid of death," three are not afraid of the spirit, as well as "the day the Marines, Marines for life", but in the end these What is it?

✅Yes, it is the "Marine Corps Spiritual Slogan"! What? The senior of instructor Wanrou chants spiritual slogans at home every day. What's the matter? 🤔😏

❇️How did these spiritual slogans come from, and what meaning do they represent? Hurry up and take a look at the Naval Encyclopedia of this episode. Instructor Jia Wen is going to introduce to instructor Wanrou and Xiao Haiyan, the morale-boosting "Marine Corps Spiritual Slogan" 👏👏

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